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Worker Licence Application Requirements
Application for a Gas Service Worker Licence (Restricted)
A gas service worker licence (Restricted) entitles the holder to carry out the following gas service work where the operating pressure is not more than 30 mbars:-
(i) to install, maintain, repair and test gas appliances; and
(ii) to install or remove gas meters and to turn on gas supply on behalf of a gas licensee.
List of Documents required for application
A copy of the following documents are to be submitted with the online application form:
(i) Passport-sized photo in colour;
(ii) Certificate of attendance for the "Gas Service Worker (Restricted) Course" issued by City Energy Pte Ltd;
(iii) Testimonial(s) or a letter certifying that the applicant has at least 2 years of relevant practical experience on town gas or natural gas appliances under the supervision of a licensed gas service worker / gas service worker (restricted). Please include the name and licence number of the licensed gas service worker / licensed gas service worker (restricted);
(iv) Certificate of Fitness (medical report issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner) - for applicants 65 years old and above; and
(v) Foreign Identification Number (FIN) Card/ Work Permit (Front & Back) - for work permit holders only.

Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

Applicants must successfully complete the Gas Service Worker (Restricted) course conducted by City Energy Pte Ltd covering installation, maintenance, repair and testing of gas appliances approved by the Authority, and have:-
(a) at least 2 years of relevant practical experience in Singapore on town gas or natural gas appliances; and
(b) ability to understand appliance manuals in English.

Interview Assessment
Eligible candidates will be notified via email to attend an interview. Please see this list of sample questions to help you prepare for the interview.

Application Fees
The application fee for a gas service worker licence (Restricted) is $50/- and is non-refundable. Upon approval of your licence application, login to EMA e-Services Website with your Singpass to pay the $30/- licence fee.

Mode of Payment For Gas Worker Licence Fees
Payment for application and licence fees for a gas service worker licence (Restricted) may be made via one of the following methods:
eNETS Debit eNETS Credit Card  
Frequently Ask Questions
Q.What is the requirement for applying a gas service worker licence (Restricted)?
The requirements are:
(a) successfully completed Gas Service Worker (Restricted) course conducted by City Energy Pte Ltd covering installation, maintenance, repair and testing of gas appliances approved by the Authority;
(b) at least 2 years of relevant practical experience in Singapore on town gas or natural gas appliances; and
(c) ability to understand appliance manuals in English.
Q.What is the application fee for a gas service worker licence (Restricted)?
A. The application fee for a gas service worker licence (Restricted) is $50/- and is non-refundable. Upon approval of your licence application, login to EMA e-Services Website with your Singpass to pay the $30/- licence fee.
Q.What is the difference between a gas service worker licence and a gas service worker licence (Restricted)?
A. The holder of a gas service worker licence is permitted to construct, fix, alter, repair and renew gas pipes and fittings, to install, maintain, repair and test gas appliances and to install or remove gas meters and to turn-on gas supply on behalf of a gas licensee where the operating pressure is not more than 30 mbars.

A holder of gas service worker licence (Restricted) is only permitted to install, maintain, repair and test gas appliances and to install or remove gas meters and to turn-on gas supply on behalf of a gas licensee where the operating pressure is not more than 30 mbars.

Q. How do I make payment for the fees of a gas service worker licence (Restricted)?
A. You may pay the application fee online through eNETS Debit or eNETS Credit Card. Once your application is approved, you will be notified to pay the licence fee online.
Q.How do I keep track of my application status?
A. Once your submission of on-line application is accepted, you will be issued with an Application Reference No. With this application No., you can check your application status any time from the EMA web page or call Tel: 68358000 for enquiries.
Q.What is the type of image file required for the photograph?
A. The image file for the photograph shall be in .cmp, .gif, .jpg, .wpg, or .png format up to a maximum 50KB size.
Q.How do I send attachment for the scanned documents?
A. You can scan all the relevant documents and save it under one file name or zip them before you do the attachment. Each attachment file shall be in .zip, .pdf, .jpg, .tif, .tiff or .gif format up to a maximum 1MB size.
Q.What is the requirement for a self-employed person to apply for or renew a licence?
A. A self-employed person is required by law to pay Medisave contributions if his yearly net trade income exceeds $6,000/-. For application or renewal of a licence, the applicant must ensure that he has paid up his Medisave liabilities or has arranged with the Central Provident Fund Board to pay his Medisave liabilities by instalment. For more information on the Medisave for the self-employed scheme or to check the Medisave liabilities status, please log on to CPF website at
Q.What documents do I need to attach if I am not a Singapore Citizen?
A. You are required to attach a copy of your valid work permit or employment pass in this online submission.
Q.How can I find out whether my online application is accepted?
A. Once your online application is successfully submitted, an acknowledgement receipt will be displayed and an application reference No. assigned to you for enquiring of your application status. You will be informed by e-mail to attend an interview.
Q. When can I expect to be scheduled for the interview/assessment?
A. Generally, after your application is successful, EMA will inform you via email within 10 working days to attend an assessment within the next 20 working days. Do look out for the e-mail at your mailbox.
Q. When will I know the result of my interview?
A. Generally, you would be informed within 14 working days after the interview/assessment. However, in some cases it may take a little longer. You can also check your worker licence application status above in our ELISE website. If your application is approved, you will be notified to make payment for the licence fee.
Q.Where can I take up a course for gas service work on installation, maintenance, repair and testing of gas appliances?
A. City Energy Pte Ltd conducts such courses. You can visit City Energy's website at or call its hotline at Tel: 1800-55551661 for more information.
Q.How do I collect my gas service worker licence (Restricted)?
A. After your application is approved and you have made payment for the licence fee, a card licence will be sent to you by AR registered post within 7 working days.
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